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  • Name of Business
Lou Crane
Lou Crane from The Urban Tech Group

The Urban Tech Group Ltd

  • Who are you?

We are a small, expert team who work with both companies and founders to guide them on software- related projects. We code, we facilitate and we support small, discreet projects through to full life cycle journeys to digitally transform business. 

  • What sets you apart from the competition?

We believe it's our values that make us different. We work relentlessly to nurture understanding and kindness for our clients and colleagues. We always insist on open and fair communication and the importance of taking ownership and control of our decisions. We are ambitious in our learning and work to share ideas, enhance the project experience and make giving back a priority.

  • How did the business come about?

During Covid I wanted to expand the team and our offerings, so we acquired a similar business to our own and rebranded. So we're officially a start up with 15 years of experience and that's a great position to be in. 

  • What are your main target markets?

1: SMEs who need to make changes to drive efficiency and become more cost effective
2: SMEs who have one-off software-related projects
3: Founders in early stage or those ready to develop an MVP

  • How long has your business been in existence?

2 and a half years

  • How many staff do you employ?

  We are a team of 4

  • What job or achievement makes you most proud?

A recent client was sent our way because their off shore dev team weren't a positive long term solution and we turned the project round for them. We've built their resilience back, rescued the code and have a road map which we're ticking off everyday. 

  • Where do you see the business being in five years?

We will still be a small team to maintain that hand-holding service, but we hope to have some great commercial products that focus on efficiency and optimising processes across a number of sectors. 

  • Tell us one interesting thing about the business that might surprise us?

75% of us are female. I'm very keen to bring women into the industry in coding roles rather than the peripheral jobs around software. 

  • Tell us one interesting thing about you that people might not know? (ie, hobbies, amusing fact, etc)

I used to be an actor

  • Fantasy dinner party – which six people alive or dead would you invite?

Well, Shakespeare (given the above). Queen Elizabeth 1, Stephen Fry, Jane Austen, Emmeline Pankhurst.

The Urban Tech Group - Enabling better business decisions through bespoke software (